Estate agencies still have been permission for their offices to stay open, and the public are allowed to travel to/from viewings and to move house. We suggest you read the full advice that the government has issued, but some of the main points we have summarised below:

  • People are now free to move home
  • You can put your home on the market to sell or rent
  • You can start to look for properties you want to move into
  • You are free to make or accept an offer or reserve a property as normal
  • Physical viewings are now allowed, provided that strict social distancing is continued
  • Estate agents are permitted to visit properties to value them under the proviso of social distancing
  • Surveyors can undertake surveys of properties


Foundation Estates will be following all of the government guidelines set out for estate agencies to ensure the safety of our clients, customers, staff, suppliers, and anyone else that we come into contact with throughout the course of conducting our business.

We will be asking everyone to adhere to strict procedures which include – but is not limited to – the following measures:


  • We will continue to offer video viewings in the first instance wherever possible. Please use these in your initial search and only request physical viewings of properties you are seriously interested in offering on
  • Please make your own way to the property as we are unable to offer transport. Where possible, and for your own safety, please try and avoid public transport, especially at peak times
  • Physical viewings can only take place with other members of your household
  • Before viewing, you will need to confirm that you are not suffering any symptoms
  • You will be asked to remove your shoes and apply hand sanitiser before entering a property. You may also be asked to wear a mask and gloves
  • You will be asked not to touch anything whilst in the property. Anything you do touch will need to be wiped down
  • The occupier of the property will be asked to ensure the property is well ventilated and that internal doors are left open
  • The occupier of the property will also be asked to leave the property while the viewing is taking place

Market Appraisals:

  • We will continue to offer video market appraisals and can continue to value properties without physically entering them
  • If we do visit a property to value it, we will need to maintain a 2 metre distance and we will remove our shoes and wear facemasks and gloves throughout the appointment
  • Before we visit, please ensure the property is well ventilated
  • We will not touch anything in the property unless absolutely necessary

Visiting Our Offices

  • Although all of our offices are open for business, many staff will continue to work from home
  • We ask that you avoid coming to our offices unless absolutely necessary
  • If you do need to come into one of our offices, you will need to call ahead and book an appointment
  • Our staff will be working from home when they can, so less staff will be physically in our offices at any one time

All of our properties are available to view online and if you would like to speak to someone about your property search, please call your local branch today or email